A (10) | B (4) | C (32) | D (13) | E (12) | F (3) | G (4) | I (9) | J (6) | L (6) | M (16) | N (6) | O (4) | P (17) | R (6) | S (11) | T (4) | U (2) | V (2) | W (11) | (1)

Include a written warning, final written warning, suspension without pay or dismissal.

Minimum terms and conditions for employees in a specific sector and area, for example, taxis, contract cleaning services, domestic workers, civil engineering, learnership, wholesale and retail, farm workers, private security and so on.

SECURED LOAN: when the consumer provides something of value as security in exchange for borrowing money from the credit provider.

Unwelcome sexual attention, behaviour, suggestions, messages, or remarks of a sexual nature that offends, intimidates or humiliates the complainant; a promise or reward for sexual deeds; or a sexual threat.

A court official instructed by the court to serve court documents to a person or attach a person’s property.

Persons married in terms of a civil marriage, customary marriage, religious marriage or civil union, which includes same-sex marriages.

Written notification to appear in the Tribunal on a certain date and time.

A document that usually starts legal procedure in a court.

A document issued by the court, authorising the police to arrest the respondent. The actual arrest is delayed until the respondent fails to comply with a condition ordered by the court.

Conditions included by the buyer or the seller which must be fulfilled for the agreement to become a binding sale agreement. These conditions allow the buyer or the seller to cancel the agreement, without penalty, if one or more of the conditions are not met within an agreed period of time.

SUSPENSIVE CONDITIONS: conditions included by the buyer or the seller which must be fulfilled for the agreement to become a binding sale agreement. These conditions allow the buyer or the seller to cancel the agreement, without penalty, if one or more of the conditions are not met within an agreed period of time.