A (10) | B (4) | C (32) | D (13) | E (12) | F (3) | G (4) | I (9) | J (6) | L (6) | M (16) | N (6) | O (4) | P (17) | R (6) | S (11) | T (4) | U (2) | V (2) | W (11) | (1)

Any joint wrongdoer may be liable for damages and if one joint wrongdoer pays the plaintiff individually, then s/he can claim a contribution from the other joint wrongdoer/s.

JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY: any joint wrongdoer may be liable for damages and if one joint wrongdoer pays the plaintiff individually, then s/he can claim a contribution from the other joint wrongdoer/s.

A decision by a court that resolves a dispute and determines the rights and obligations of the parties (for example, payment of money). A judgment is the final part of a court case.

JURISTIC PERSON: includes a partnership, close corporation, company, or other body of persons.


JURISTIC PERSON: includes a partnership, close corporation, company, or other body of persons.

To be fair and reasonable after considering all the relevant facts and circumstances of an application.