A (10) | B (4) | C (32) | D (13) | E (12) | F (3) | G (4) | I (9) | J (6) | L (6) | M (16) | N (6) | O (4) | P (17) | R (6) | S (11) | T (4) | U (2) | V (2) | W (11) | (1)

A test used to decide what a normal person would have done under the circumstances in that particular situation.

REASONABLE PERSON: a test used to decide what a normal person would have done under the circumstances in that particular situation.

RECKLESS CREDIT: failure by a credit provider to conduct an affordability assessment of the consumer; the consumer did not understand or appreciate the costs, risks, and obligations of the credit agreement when entering into it; or, entering into an agreement made the consumer over-indebted. Reckless credit may result in the suspension of a credit agreement.

The employee will get his/her job back, as if s/he was never retrenched. 

An independent body that resolves disputes between landlords and tenants.

Suggestions that the consulting employees may come up with in response to certain matters.