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Certificate issued by a registered person stating that the electricity is in accordance with the necessary regulations.

ELECTRICAL COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE: certificate issued by a registered person stating that the electricity is in accordance with the necessary regulations.

A person who works for another person, receives remuneration and who assists in the carrying on of the business of the employer.

A person who has entered into a contract of employment with a debtor.

A service where the interruption of it will endanger the life, personal safety or health of persons for example, the police or fire fighting services.

A board that regulates the conduct of a person performing services of an estate agent.

ESTATE AGENCY AFFAIRS BOARD: a board that regulates the conduct of a person performing services of an estate agent.

An order obtained from court by the landlord forcing the tenant to vacate the property.

Documents, witness statements, photographs, video footage and so on. 

Where a court gives a judgment based on the papers placed before it (such as an affidavit) and there is only one party to the application. There is no verbal evidence given in court. The court will issue a provisional order and provide a date on which the affected party can appear in court to give reasons why the order should not be made final.

A person appointed by a testator in the Will to see to the administration of his/her estate in terms of the Will.

When something comes to an end.