Member and Attorney interviews

Celebrating 40 Years: Words from a Member and Attorneys 

David Motsheledi Moerane. LegalWise Member for 34 years.

What initially motivated you to become a Member of LegalWise?

I have been a Member of LegalWise since June 1990, that is, for a total of thirty four years without any interruptions, cancellations or renewals.

What attracted me more to join LegalWise then was their slogan “Don't talk to me, talk to my Lawyer,”  a powerful slogan that reminded me about the right of the accused persons “to remain silent” upon arrest.

I was highly motivated to join LegalWise then as it would in my opinion provide me with a wide umbrella of legal protection against petty crimes to lengthy and protracted legal disputes to ensure that I would enjoy and defend my legal rights at all times. Which they have done excellently to date.

What was the specific issue or need that led you to seek legal assistance?

As a young man then I was involved in many activities some of which were clandestine and nefarious, and would ultimately lead me into trouble with the law which would need legal assistance. I remember the one case where my wife was accidentally hit by a car and LegalWise facilitated our application to RAF and then a third party claim through which my wife received the necessary medical assistance. LegalWise appointed very competent lawyers to handle this process on our behalf. That kind of support made a big difference in my family.

Apart from that one case LegalWise provided me all these years with legal advice in many other matters where my legal rights were trampled upon including assisting me with the drafting of legal documents such as letters of demand, breach of contracts and many others.

How did you first hear about LegalWise, and what made you choose us over other options?

I used to go past the LegalWise offices in Mahikeng on my way to work and one day I decided to enter their offices and made some enquiries and I immediately joined to become their Member. 

Was there a particular benefit or feature of our services that appealed to you when you joined?

What appealed to me the most was and still is their vision, values and what they stand for as a company. Their work ethic and professional attitude and behaviour as you step into their offices, their prompt assistance with the appointment of lawyers for your representation in court, their prompt response to emails and telephone enquiries surpasses their peers. I used to give their staff tough times when I had an issue that needed legal assistance, I admit I was sometimes very difficult and impulsive with them but I was persistent as I needed value for my money but low and behold their staff were still empathetic and treated me with dignity and respect. Their staff is made of sterner stuff, the more you put them in hot water the stronger they become. Keep it up. 

Even at my age whilst on pension, LegalWise is currently dealing with my other protracted labour case at the CCMA and now heading to the Labour Court.

I usually recommend LegalWise to my friends and have done so many times in the past. As a result most of my friends and family are Members of LegalWise. 

I hereby wish LegalWise a happy 40th Anniversary.

Adri Henning of Adri Henning Attorneys.

How has your partnership with LegalWise benefited your legal practice?

When I started my firm, I started doing LegalWise's work. It benefited my career immensely. I learnt a lot from all the work and different types of work that I received. After 8 years, looking back, I am so grateful to LegalWise for helping me to grow as a person, Legal Practitioner and of course my practice. 

Can you describe a particular situation where LegalWise's services made a significant impact on a case or a Member's legal outcome?

There are so many cases during the past 8 years that stand out for me, but there is one that was a criminal matter. My client was charged with cable theft at work. It cost him his job and he faced criminal charges as well. He was such a decent person who just made a wrong decision due to the financial strains he was facing as a person. We asked the state for a Diversion programme for him, which was granted. The Member completed the programme and the charges were withdrawn. I remember that day clearly as he was standing with tears in his eyes and very grateful. He said: “You know Adri, I am so grateful that you were my lawyer and that I did this programme, not only did it teach me a lot about myself, but it made me a better person. I also got a new and better job and will do my best not to get into trouble again. Thanks to you, I can provide for my family.” It is a case I will never forget. 

What do you appreciate most about the services and support provided by LegalWise?

The fact that we get regular updates and follow-up calls from LegalWise is amazing. 

Would you recommend LegalWise to other legal professionals, and if so, why?

Yes, I would. As a Legal Professional providing services to LegalWise Members, I can honestly say that I always give 100% to my clients. Some of them keep on returning. It makes my heart warm. It makes me satisfied knowing that I changed someone's life or at least had an impact on their lives in a good way.

Richard Donachie of Henwood Britter and Caney. Working with LegalWise for over 30 years.

How has your partnership with LegalWise benefited your legal practice?

Our firm has had a long-established relationship with LegalWise, which has in no small part, been instrumental in the development of our thriving practice. We are honoured to have many clients who have been referred to us by LegalWise. The value derived from that relationship, however, goes far beyond the work that is referred by the offices of LegalWise. Those referrals give us the opportunity to develop relationships with Members. Furthermore, the relationship with LegalWise Members gives rise to many referrals from friends, relatives and colleagues. 

What do you appreciate most about the services and support provided by LegalWise? 

Having worked with a number of other insurers, we can confidently say that LegalWise is heads and shoulders above the others. This is not only in relation to the ambit of what is covered by the Membership but also with respect to the benefits payable and the administrative structures that are in place. All too often, I have seen clients who, without the benefit of their LegalWise Membership, would have been without a legal remedy. From a practitioner's point of view, the LegalWise relationship is “user-friendly” and there is a clear quest, from LegalWise, to foster a mutually beneficial relationship with the attorneys' profession.

Would you recommend LegalWise to other legal professionals, and if so, why? 

I readily recommend to clients, whenever the opportunity presents itself, that they become LegalWise Members. I also encourage colleagues to take on work referred by LegalWise.