This Women's Month we celebrate women with our webinar series "Our stories matter - a dialogue with women in law" hosted by our CEO Siva Gengan and Teresa Yates, National Director of Probono.Org. The dialogue is with remarkable women who will share their stories of how they are using the law as a vehicle to empower women and their communities.
"The sharing of unique and authentic lived experiences of women who have attained the pinnacle of success in their sector is invaluable to providing a guiding voice for future generations who will traverse this path, whilst simultaneously inspiring all who hear it. When we share our stories, we un-fold the uniqueness within each of us to unveil all that makes us whole. While the specifics of how we each got to where we are is unique, we can identify with and learn from shared experiences. In dialogue we intrinsically connect and grow.
It is only when we leverage each other’s strengths/stories/voices will we make a significant difference in our companies, our profession and our world," Siva Gengan.
#WomenMonth #OurStoriesMatter #BeLegalWise